The mikado
In April 2022, BOS went to ‘topsy turveydom', or rather Titipu in Japan, by invitation of The Mikado.
Set in 'The Grand Hotel, Titiu' on the day of it's grand reopening (blasted COVID!). the hilarious guests tried to steer clear of the Lord High Executioner – KoKo (Mark Melzack), kowtow to the Lord High everything else – Pooh Bah (Bruce Walton), egged on by Pish Tish (David Ball) and serenaded by Nanki Poo (Will Dyson). Throw in to the mix three Little Maids –Yum Yum ( Lisa Tustain), Peep Bo (Sarah Rubery) and Pitti Sing (Zara Walton) and their many and varied friends along with various Titiputian Nobles, and, in true Gilbert and Sullivan style, all sorts of shenanigans and dramatic happenings took place!
When Katisha (Ruth Anker) erupts on to the scene and tries to throw a spanner in the works it takes all of KoKo’s persuasive powers to both her and indeed the Mikado himself (David Hornsby), to stop anyone from losing their head!
Director - Janet Bishop
Musical Director - Nick Planas
Choreographer - Vicky Price
Production Assistant - Will Dyson